Orthodontics has a very significant place among dental services in our practice. The strategy of modern dentistry is based on prevention, which means preventing the onset of disease by timely reaction. Orthodontic treatment aims at correcting the teeth position, directing the growth of the jaw and bite correction at younger age. Patients with such treatments are able to chew and speak properly, the aesthetic impression is satisfactory and maintenance of oral hygiene is easier.
All of this directly leads to the decrease in the number of cavities and the reduction of parodontopathy.

Our dr Sava Matić uses high-quality materials and attends numerous courses and lectures in order to improve the quality of services and enable patients to correct the irregular position of teeth and jaw in the best possible way in the optimal period of time.
It is our practice to first do free of charge examination of each patient and based on the condition of teeth and jaw estimate whether it is necessary to wear removable, myofunctional or fixed orthodontic appliances and at what point of time. If fixed orthodontic appliances are used, the patient will get all necessary information: what to expect during the treatment and how to maintain hygiene during the process of correction.
After the examination is carried out and the imprint is taken, the patient will be informed about when the chosen appliance will be placed. Our expert will give thorough explanation of hygiene maintenance while using the specific appliance and answer all patients’ questions. Special foils used for straightening and maintaining tooth and jaw position are also available in our practice after the treatment. Needless to say, the patients will be informed about their use and further maintenance.