Tooth disease
Composite fillings – single surface, double surface and triple surface | 2.300 ; 2.500 ; 2.900 din |
Glass ionomer filling – single surface, double surface and triple surface | 1.800 ; 2.300; 2.500 din |
Vital or mortal pulp extirpation – single canal, multiple canal | 3.500 din per canal |
Medicine application | 500 do 1.500 din |
Occlusal splint (bruxism, athletes) | 12.000 din |
Parodontopathy treatment
Removal of soft and hard deposits with individual instructions for oral hygiene | 2.400 din |
Treatment of periodontal pockets in local anaestesia (per tooth) | 1.200 din |
Treatment of acute periodontal abscess (draining) | 1.500 din |
Surgical parodontopathy treatment (Widman surgery) per tooth | 5.000 din |
Periodontal or composite splints | 12.000 din |
Routine tooth extraction | 2.400 din |
Complicated tooth extraction | 3.000 din |
Extraction of an impacted tooth | 12.000 din |
Tooth resection | 12.000 din |
Cystectomy | 12.000 din |
Abscess incision | 1.200 din |
Apicoectomy | 12.000 din |
Frenulum resection | 6.000 din |
Ridge augmentation (unilateral) | 40.000 din |
Sinus lift | 96.000 din |
Two stage implant (MIS and Zimmer) | 60.000 ; 80.000 din |
PFM crowns depending on the technician and type of porcelain | 14.400, 18.000 i 21.600 din |
PFM crowns on implants | 25.500, 30.200, 34.800 din |
Non-metal crowns | 21.675 din |
Non-metal crown on implants | 26.000 din |
Metal core build-up | 6.000 din |
FFiberglass build-up | 6.000 din |
Temporary bridge – per tooth | 1.500 din |
Partial or total acrylic dentures | 36.000 din |
Partial or total skeletal dentures | 48.000 din |
Direct denture relining | 5.000 din |
Indirect denture relining | 6.000 din |
Denture repair | 2.500 din |